четверг, 11 августа 2022 г.

News update 11/08/2022 31

Mithridates established a new order of counting time: from the 1st day of the month of Nisan (April) 247 BC. the first year of the new Parthian era began. At the same time, the king ordered the removal of all treasures from the temples in Susa: the Parthians needed funds to replenish and equip the troops. To the northern borders of their possessions moved hordes of Sakas - nomadic peoples who from ancient times lived in the regions of Drangiana and Ara-khosia bordering on the Parthians, gradually strengthening themselves in the eastern Iranian and northwestern Indian lands. They were worthy opponents. The Parthians had to exert all their strength, to pay with the lives of their two kings - Phraates P and Artaban II, in order to defeat the enemies. This was succeeded by Mithridates II (124-87 BC), who at the same time annexed a number of new territories to his possessions and concluded an agreement with Rome on the division of spheres of influence. The Euphrates river became the border between the two world powers facing each other.
Parfiya vremon Mitridata II — deystvitel'no mogucheye gosudarstvo. Dal'niye i blizhniye strany ustanavlivayut s neyu druzheskiye otnosheniya ili stremyatsya zaruchit'sya yeyo podderzhkoy. Mitridat II nachinayet nazyvat' sebya tsarom tsarey. Tak yego velichali i posly, pribyvshiye iz Kitaya. Khan'skiy imperator Vudi zhelal ustanovit' druzhestvennyye otnosheniya s parfyanami, cherez vladeniya kotorykh prokhodil vazhnyy uchastok Velikogo sholkovogo puti. Sami parfyane khorosho osoznavali, kakiye vygody prinosit kontrol' nad dorogami, po kotorym shli torgovyye karavany s Vostoka na Zapad i s Zapada na Vostok. Oni ne dopuskali syuda rimskikh torgovtsev, presekaya lyubuyu popytku s ikh storony razvedat' eti puti i sobrat' bol'she svedeniy o stranakh Vostoka. Torgovyye poshliny byli odnoy iz vazhneyshikh statey dokhodov gosudarstvennoy kazny. Chast' tovarov, privozimykh karavanami iz raznykh stran, rasprodavalas' na bazarakh v krupnykh gorodakh Parfii. Tam mozhno bylo kupit' kitayskiye shelka, indiyskiy khlopok, vyshivki iz Vavilona, dragotsennyye kamni, zheleznyye izdeliya masterov Sirii i Indii, ebenovoye, sandalovoye derevo, slonovuyu kost', blagovoniya, tselebnyye mazi i poroshki, spetsii i drugiye inozemnyye tovary. V tsarskikh sokrovishchnitsakh osedali samyye redkiye i dragotsennyye predmety. Odnu iz takikh sokrovishchnits parfyanskikh tsarey udalos' obnaruzhit' arkheologam v yuzhnoy Turkmenii vblizi malen'kogo seleniya Ba-gir. Ona nakhodilas' vnutri kreposti Mikhrdatkert, izvestnoy pozzhe pod imenem Staroy Nisy. Steny kreposti byli vozvedeny iz gliny na vysotu boleye 10 m, dostigaya u osnovaniya tolshchiny 9 m. Oni byli ukrepleny 43 pryamougol'nymi bashnyami, a uglovyye bashni, imevshiye osobenno vazhnoye znacheniye pri oborone, predstavlyali soboy nastoyashchiye bastiony. Tolshchu sten prorezali mnogochislennyye boynitsy v forme khvosta lastochki, davavshiye naibol'shiy obzor so sten na okrestnosti i zashchishchavshiye oboronyavshikhsya voinov. V odnoy iz uglovykh bashen nakhodilsya v"yezd v krepost', k kotoromu podvodil postepenno podnimavshiysya pandus, parallel'nyy linii steny. Takim obrazom, vse vkhodivshiye v krepost' nakhodilis' pod pritselom strel garnizona, okhranyavshego yeyo.
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Parthia of the times of Mithridates II is a really powerful state. Far and near countries establish friendly relations with her or seek to enlist her support. Mithridates II begins to call himself the king of kings. So he was also called the ambassadors who arrived from China. The Han Emperor Wudi wanted to establish friendly relations with the Parthians, through whose possessions an important section of the Great Silk Road passed. The Parthians themselves were well aware of the benefits of controlling the roads along which trade caravans traveled from East to West and from West to East. They did not allow Roman traders here, stopping any attempt on their part to explore these routes and collect more information about the countries of the East.

Trade duties were one of the most important items of income for the state treasury. Some of the goods brought by caravans from different countries were sold at the bazaars in the major cities of Parthia. There one could buy Chinese silks, Indian cotton, embroideries from Babylon, precious stones, iron products of the masters of Syria and India, ebony, sandalwood, ivory, incense, healing ointments and powders, spices and other foreign goods. The most rare and precious items settled in the royal treasuries.

One of such treasuries of the Parthian kings was discovered by archaeologists in southern Turkmenistan near the small village of Bagir. It was located inside the Mihrdatkert fortress, later known as Old Nisa. The walls of the fortress were built of clay to a height of more than 10 m, reaching a thickness of 9 m at the base. They were reinforced with 43 rectangular towers, and the corner towers, which were of particular importance in the defense, were real bastions. Numerous loopholes in the shape of a swallow's tail cut through the thickness of the walls, giving the greatest view from the walls to the surroundings and protecting the defending warriors. In one of the corner towers there was an entrance to the fortress, to which a gradually rising ramp, parallel to the line of the wall, led. Thus, all those who entered the fortress were under the gunpoint of the garrison guarding it.

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