четверг, 11 августа 2022 г.

News update 11/08/2022 45

Despite the civil strife of the Khai rulers, by this time the formation and strengthening of the community of the Han people, based on the unity of language, writing and customs (primarily the custom of honoring ancestors) had taken place.
They say there is a beautiful country, surrounded on all sides by blue mountains. Why not go there? Iwa-ro turned to his brother Itsuse. Taking his silence as consent, Ivaro added resolutely: "Let's go there."

So, according to legend, the people of the Tenson and Izumo tribes migrated from the island of Kyushu to the island of Honshu. Ivaro put his men on the ships and set off. The campaign lasted 7 years. They rounded the shores of their native Kyushu, entered the Sea of ​​Japan and landed on the western coast of Honshu. Moving east, they settled on flat lands, which later formed the possessions of the Yamato state they created, and were the center of the formation of the Japanese people.

However, Ivaro was met as an enemy by the elders of the tribes who had previously settled in these places. They put up strong resistance to the invaders. The local elder Nagasunz-hiko and his supporters fought especially hard. Ivaro even had to leave Yamato. Only after the death of the enemy, he and his fellow tribesmen returned there.

Having settled in a new place, Ivaro, as the legend says, first of all built a sanctuary to store three magical items: a metal mirror, a sword and a jasper necklace. According to beliefs, they were passed on as signs of power to her grandson, the god Ninigi, by the sun goddess Amaterasu. Possession of them gave Ivaro a reason to consider himself one of the heirs of the gods and consider his power divine. With his campaigns of conquest, he laid the foundation for the formation of a tribal union under the leadership of leaders, and later kings - ten-no. Ivaro, according to the Japanese chronicles, ruled from 660 to 585 BC. After his death, he was named "Jimmu-tenno" - "Heavenly" or "Divine King".

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