четверг, 11 августа 2022 г.

News update 11/08/2022 49

Тогда правитель Силлы прислал в Ямато искусных корабелов. Там они потом основали наследственный союз кораблестроителей.
Under Ojin, a fishing union of fishermen is created. Before that, they were separated. Taking advantage of this, the royal court took away fish from them. Over time, realizing their strength, the fishermen refused to follow the orders of the royal authorities. After lengthy negotiations, the royal decree allowed the creation of a fishermen's union, which represented their interests.

With the development of various crafts in the country, special groups of artisans appeared who served the royal court and the nobility. So, at the end of the 3rd century 10 artels of artisans were allocated to one of the princes: weavers of brocade, manufacturers of shields, swords, bows, arrows, carved stones, etc.

For the development of crafts, the Yamato kings encouraged the resettlement of skilled craftsmen from abroad to their country. Under Ojin, several embassies were sent to other countries for this purpose. By order of the king, Achi-no oma, who arrived from there, went to China, to the kingdom of Wu, with his son. They were to bring skilful weavers and tailors to Yamato. Later, potters, saddlers, and embroiderers arrived from the Korean kingdom of Paekche.

After Ojin's death, there was a struggle for power for almost three years. The eldest son of the king was killed, the youngest committed suicide. The throne went to the middle one - Nintoku (313-399). What the new king saw around him amazed him: wars, civil strife of the nobility turned into troubles and poverty for the population of the country. The Japanese chronicles brought to us the words of Nintoku: “We climbed a high tower and looked around, but no smoke rose from the ground anywhere. From this we concluded that the people are poor and no one cooks rice in their houses.” After that, Nintoku wrote off the arrears, refused to receive land tax for three years. He himself began to walk in old clothes and worn shoes. In his palace, it is said in a laudatory ode in honor of the king, when it rained, they moved from one room to another, as the roof leaked.

The economic condition of the country was not indifferent to the king.

Natural conditions suitable for the cultivation of cereals, and the sea rich in fish, determined the main occupations of the inhabitants of the Yamato country - agriculture and fishing. According to legend, farming was not an easy task. There was little suitable land for cultivation. The development of mountainous areas required great effort. With the spread of iron tools, the soil began to be worked with picks, hoes, shovels. The plow with bovine traction came into use. The cultivation of rice, which became a favorite food of the Yamato population, required the creation of irrigated fields, canals, dams, reservoirs - extensive hydraulic engineering work.

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